Using Twitter Lists to manage your reputation
How to use Lists to monitor your personal & professional brands There’s been a lot of talk about Twitter Lists. How do you use them? How can they be improved? What is Twitter hoping to do with them...
View ArticleHow to take control of your online reputation
I have spent years blogging forth everything I know about online brand promotion in the form of social media marketing and digital PR. Now, I will be focusing primarily on online brand protection in...
View ArticleRemove those regrettable online reputation tattoos
The way you feel now about all those photos of you at the beach, in your suit, body-proud, tanned and drinking — liberation and joy — may end up making you feel completely different in your near future...
View ArticleWin the online reputation land war
Online reputation management tries to replace negative results with positive & neutral entries While I concur with Vizzini, the Sicilian from the movie The Princess Bride, that one should “never...
View ArticleBurnish your brand’s reputation, don’t ‘manage’ it
Reputation management is not about dressing up mistakes Target audience: Marketing professionals, SEO specialists, PR pros, brand managers, businesses, nonprofits, educators, Web publishers,...
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